About David Auston


My love of photography is based on the simple pleasure of making and viewing images that capture a mood, convey a message, or record an event. Always an avocation, my range of experience stretches back more than 50 years, and includes a good share of time using film prior to adopting the digital format in 2005. The time spent with film has influenced my approach in at least two ways:  First, I have a strong preference for black & white imagery, which enables me to more closely focus on the textures, patterns, composition, graphic design, and tonal range of an image without the distraction of color.

The second is that I prefer to do my own printing.  For me, it is essential to print and frame an image to fully appreciate it.  The slower process of using film may have also taught me to think carefully about what my intent is each time I click my camera shutter, although the ease with which digital images can so readily be captured and discarded unfortunately tends to mitigate against that discipline.

For stimulation, learning and general guidance, I do three things: (1) I look at a lot of images, especially of photographers that I admire; (2) I participate in workshops which open my eyes to new ways of approaching photography; and (3) I read a lot of books by photographers that I admire, especially those that reveal how and why they make their images.

I hope you enjoy the images on this website.  If you have a question or would like to make a comment, please send me a note via the contact tab.